Trust in your money and down you go!  Trust in God and flourish as a tree.”  Proverbs 11:28

A heart without the fear of God has no control from within, and will become self-willed and rebellious.  Without the fear of God, societies become self-righteous.  They will compare themselves among themselves, and justify their actions.  Money, rather than God, then becomes the standard by which we value ourselves, and it will take us down.  The Soviet Union tried it and failed miserably—and so will any society that rejects God’s law as their standard.  If we want to flourish, we must believe and trust in God and see money only as a bi-product of certain values and a medium of exchange.

Secondly, without trusting God and establishing right morals and values, our money will go through our pockets as if they had holes. Without God’s laws for governing we become unbalanced.  We become wasteful and lose our sense of productivity, then we want to raise taxes rather than plug the holes in our pockets.

What does it mean to trust God? It does not mean that we stop planning and working toward our dreams.  Trusting in God should not make us passive and lazy.  It means we rely on  and believe in God to the extent that we pattern our lives and businesses around His values.  Trust means to count on or have confidence in.  Trust comes from experiencing and knowing someone.  We can’t buy or demand it; it is earned.  When we experience and get to know God, we will find Him faithful, all-knowing, honest, and reliable. So we put our confidence in Him and pattern our lives after His law and values, which will give us the good life.

When we trust in money, it is temporal and perishable.  God’s laws are fixed and can be trusted. They are everlasting; heaven and earth will pass away before His law does.  Trust in God causes us to live by the rules that bring prosperity, but trust in money will cause us to become greedy and out of balance, which destroys our character.

My prayer for you is that you will learn how to put God first in your life.

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